Thursday 26 October 2017

Maths - Word Problems

IALT: solve and explain my strategy.

So today for Maths, it was all about solving word problems.. well for the first part of maths at least. We were given 2 different questions. Here are our questions and the strategy..

Answers, and strategy's...
8 packs, 6 cans

The answer to me is 48, the reason for this is because 8 x 6 = 48.  8 from the packs, and 6 from the cans.

For the next question the answer 96, because according to the problem Hanni uses 8 carrots for one bag, and if you were to go up to twelve bags you'll need 96 carrots to fill it up. 

What I found the most challenging during this task was finding the words, and the maths language to explain strategy. I had the strategy in my head, but finding the words and putting them together to make connections, in order for it to make sense was the hardest part to be honest. But as you can see above this text I was able to solve, explain and show my strategy.

My next steps.. are to be more familiar with explaining my strategy more, and being able to find the words faster than expected.

Image result for maths

If you were to solve this problem, how would you solve it and why? 

I am now working towards recalling my basic facts faster. By doing this I will get a partner from my maths group (number ninjas), and get them to ask questions with mixed operations to see how fast I am able to answer, and how I can explain my strategy. That way I am learning to do 2 things at a time.

Myself Ana & Leilani, pulled out some subtraction and addition flash cards to help us with our learning focus. (Recalling our basic facts quickly). We were able to finish both sets of flash cards. I was able to gain all the point in the addition and subtraction flash cards. We would've moved onto the multiplication flash cards but our other 'peers' were still in use with it.

Next time I look forward in trying the division and multiplication flash cards to see how the speed and ability I have in solving those problems.

What do you think?

Please leave a comment down below for me to view!

Muchly Appreciated,


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