Thursday 8 June 2017

๐ŸŽฒBoard Game Thursday - Reflection ๐ŸŽฒ

IALT: reflect on the activity which was held at lunchtime, known as "Board Game Thursday".

Today for the first time we held "Board Game Thursday". We had plenty of board games for example some we had in the hall were...
  • Chess
  • Snakes & Ladders
  • Bingo
And much, much more fun activities! At first not many people showed face, but after setting out reminders through the school speaker... and because of that reminder we were able to guide some junior students, to the hall! WHen they came they didn't look sure of where they were, what they were doing, and how they would be doing that! So to make them feel more welcome I decided to quietly walk up to them, giving them a boost of confidence, in order not to be shy of playing with things! Then, finally I was able to connect them with others, by this I mean they were able to play with others, with games some have and haven't been familiar with! 

Image result for chess board game

Image result for snakes and ladders board game

Image result for bingo board game

Something I liked and enjoyed about this activity was that people were able to have fun in different ways this week. For example through Zumba, Dance Class, and now adding a new activity to the lunchtime activity family "Board Game Thursday"!

Something I found challenging in this task was getting people to attend and surrport us for this task. Therefore maybe next time we could  brainstorm some idea's on how to make people feel more and more welcome into coming and joining all the activities through this week.

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Many Thanks... ๐Ÿ˜Š


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