Friday 3 March 2017

➕Task 1 Maths Reflection ➕

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IALT: reflect on how I was able to turn Maths into a competitive competition!

For Maths, the people who were in the same group as me (Number Ninja's), had to complete a task which related typing, speed, and ability. It showed on our task that a fast keyboarder can type 70 words, in under 1 minute... Our task individually was to time how many words we could type in under 1 minute. In order to make things easier myself, challenged other people from my Maths group, to see who can type the most words in under 1 minute. The website we deiced to have been playing on was a webiste under the name of 10 Fast Fingers. The website game us all the words it could, in one minute..  the aim of this challenging game was to try your best to type the words your fastest, but also correct. As I was doing this task I felt as if the more competitive I became, the successful typing I was able to achieve.  


As I played the game I scored a shocking 89. I was trying my best to keep concentration, determination, and focus as I was typing against other students, and classmates. At first people were scared to challenge other people, they were afraid that if they ad scored low, and got heaps of different words in correct, people would judge them and give back negative feedback!

My Score At First..

Overall, as I was playing I was beginning to develop more and ore skills towards typing. I felt as if the more I was challenging others, or watching others it could help me to improve more on what I could do! For example if I saw how different people's fingers would be laid out on the keyboard I could use 2 different strategies, and challenge which strategy has better chance of scoring higher, and developing more to my typing skills. At the end of the day as I was playing my last game, I looked at the time and my 60 seconds had just began... then as I rushed my fingers I looked over at my time again and I was half way through! I was shocked, I had felt it had only been 2 seconds but in reality it was 30 seconds gone just like that. When the results came in I was shocked, happy and relieved! The scored... 93 POINTS! Which was only 7 away from scoring 100 words one minute. I felt as if when I started it was hard, but the more I had a Growth Mindset the more I was able to achieve, and develop more!

My Overall Score (93):

The ont thing that challenging my ability to type, was being timed, it made my nerves shake more, and it made me think I was going to lose, and it also made me think negatively. But as I kept playing and challenging myself, I began thinking more positively now!

Next time in order for me to have something to work towards, and also something to achieve I would like to try and successfully achieve not worrying about the time, and just typing as fast as I could, spelling as many words correct as I possibly could!

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