Wednesday 1 March 2017

๐ŸŒŠSolo Taxonomy(What Is So Special About Estuaries?)๐ŸŒŠ

Image result for estuaries

IALT: to research about the speciality of Estuaries

Today for reading, we were given a Solo Taxonomy task. You may be wondering about what Solo Taxonomy is, well it is a step to step process about something you don't know about then after a specific time frame you know certain things about. Their re 5 different steps to Solo Taxonomy which are..
  1. Pre Structural
  2. Uni Structural
  3. Multi Structural
  4. Relational
  5. Extended Abstract
Before reading about this specific text, you had to give a prediction about what you thought Estuaries are, and What you think the speciality is. There were different slides for different parts of the reading process about Estuaries. There were questions, and slides we had to answer and fill out before reading, during reading and after reading. We had to try and extend our knowledge about Estuaries while reading the text based on it. We had to figure out what is so speciality about Estuaries?

What is the speciality of Estuaries?

Myself, and Ana read through this article and along the way went from not being sure about any idea's, to having the ability to look at these ideas in a new and different way. 

  1. Pre Structural - Not being sure about any idea you have
  2. Uni Structural - Only having one relevant idea
  3. Multi Structural - Having Several Idea's
  4. Relational - You can link these ideas to a big picture
  5. Extended Abstract - Looking at ideas in new and different ways
One thing I found challenging about this task was giving my prediction about what I think Estuaries is. At first I thought it was a type of water stream, but now I have a much more better knowledge and understand of what a Estuaries is. 


One thing I enjoyed about this activity was learning more about what a Estuaries is.. and also having a better understanding of Estuaries. One thing I found challenging about this activity was guessing about what it could be!

Next time I wish to improve on  having a better understanding of things, word, objects and others!

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๐Ÿ‘Many Thanks


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