Monday 27 February 2017


WALT: reflect on Pollution

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Today we were either given pen & paper or our chromebooks to list and write down everything we know about pollution. I decided to make a Google Document, using my knowledge of Pollution to list down everything I know about Pollution. One thing I found easy to say was that there were 6 different areas in Pollution.. Everything I know, and all my knowledge will be provided for you to view below. Before having to list down idea's, if you only had ONE main idea about pollution, as Ms Komor was taking the roll every name she had went past she asked them what pollution means to them, or in other words what is Pollution? I was luckily the last name to be on the roll, which meant I had the most to have thought about my answer before saying it.  I wanted to give an answer nobody had said, and an answer that wouldn't only help me understand Pollution more but also for others. As I had sat down, and thought about my answer many different answers came across my head from my other fellow peers, friends, and classmates. Some ideas that I thought and heard about was....

  • Pollution can affect Humans
  • Pollution can be caused by Littering
  • Pollution starts when care for the community or environment is stopped 
So I think you get the idea? Anyways I decided that I had thought oF my answer.. my answer was that, Pollution doesn't only affect humans, and animals but also makes and affect a huge impact on the environment or community being affected.  In other words what I was trying to explain was that some people only think that Pollution can only affect humans, and animals but truth be told it can affect more, it could affect something as big the world or the universe.  If the world doesn't care, and stops loving the healthy believable environment we live in, some time in our lives the world will quickly turn into an unhealthy and unsafe place.

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What do I think Pollution is?

What do I know about Pollution..?
With Pollution I know there are 6 different types of pollutions, and I also know that I have the ability to name all six, which are…
  • Noise Pollution
  • Land/Environment Pollution
  • Air Pollution
  • Water Pollution
  • Thermal Pollution
  • Light Pollution
I also that Pollution can not only affect animals, but it can also affect the community, and environment we live in. Not only that but also the people we have surrounded by us. With pollution I know it can be caused by several things, as for example,
  1. Littering
  2. Oil
  3. Gas
One thing that I also know about Pollution is that, Pollution can be a negative place surrounded by rubbish, or chemicals, turning the world into an unhealthy and unsafe place. Pollution can also take up space on land, with unnecessary things.. As for rubbish, chemicals and other disgusting, disgraceful things.

The 6 different Pollution’s can be caused or prevented by different ways, for example Water Pollution can be caused by littering and dangerous chemicals in the waters.

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I hope you've enjoyed reading and thank you.
Please leave a piece of advice and feedback along with feedforward about Pollution, and my work!
👍Thank You


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